Aug 23, 2021

IFTA Gold Award

We are honored to announce we had been bestowed upon the #IFTA Gold award by #HongKongsInstituteofFinTechAsia. It is heart-warming to receive support and recognition for our efforts. We will not stop at this point as we will continue to pursue the most innovative and top-of-the-market blockchain solutions.

我們很榮幸獲得由IFTA #亞洲金融科技師學會 頒發的IFTA金獎。這個獎項是對我們的努力的支持和肯定。我們將會繼續為客戶提供最優質及創新的 #區塊鏈 解決方案。

#Blockchain #BlockchainTechnology #FinTech #BlockchainSolutions #BitBro
