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區塊鏈技術吹向理大校園 PolyU hosts CEO Summit about Blockchain

【區塊鏈技術吹向理大校園 PolyU hosts CEO Summit about Blockchain】

Our CEO Jase Leung was invited to The Hong Kong Polytechnic UniversityI/E PolyU CEO Club. The Club has long been creating a nurturing environment for CEOs through shared experience and insights.

Jase represented Blockchain Solutions Ltd to introduce the potential application, risk of blockchain technology. After that, Jase and participants discussed internet security and blockchain technology for preventing the harm of malicious attacks.

PolyU CEO Club宗旨是為業界構建一個匯聚精英的協作平台,讓香港工商界企業領袖分享彼此的營商心得。

我們 CEO 梁永熹 Jase Leung 先生於4月19日 被邀到香港理工大學@PolyU CEO Club,於Hotel ICON 代表 #區塊鏈科研介紹區塊鏈技術的基本運作模式、應用及風險。隨後,更與參與人士討論網絡#資訊安全 及 #區塊鏈科技 在阻擋黑客攻擊的應用。

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