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Cherrypicks Sharing

Thank you Cherrypicks for the invitation and the kind hospitality during this sharing session. We are honored to host this #blockchain for the invitation and the kind hospitality during this sharing session. We are honored to host this #BlockchainSolutions continuously strive for the best blockchain experience, including #trainthetrainer sessions like this.

感謝創奇思的邀請與熱情款待。我們很榮幸能夠在這個 #區塊鏈 講座與合計超過30名參與者見面。是次講座中我們分享了有關於區塊鏈的最新動向和發展,包括#區塊鏈系統、#NFT 等。#區塊鏈科研 致力為客戶提供最優質的區塊鏈應用體驗,包括協助客戶的 #員工培訓

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