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GOVirtual Quick Glance

Yesterday's #GOVirtual Expo was amazing! Our CEO, Jase shared his insights into the latest #blockchain development in HK. We encountered like-minded people and exchanged ideas about the technological advances in Hong Kong and how it shapes the business dynamic.

Special thanks to Dr. Bernard Chan, JP, Under Secretary for #CommerceAndEconomicDevelopment, for visiting our booth. His appreciation greatly boosts our morale as we strive to provides the best blockchain application in the market.

昨日的 #虛擬經濟展覽及會議 非常成功!我們的CEO Jase分享了他對於 #區塊鏈 於香港的最新發展的見解。我們亦與不少行業人士交流有關創新科技在港的應用以及其對營商環境的影響。

特別在此鳴謝 #商務及經濟發展局 副局長陳百里博士太平紳士 親臨我們的攤位瞭解我們的業務。他的勉勵對我們致力成為 #區塊鏈技術 應用的市場領導者的決心是一支強心針。

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