GOVirtual Speech Info
Tomorrow will mark the start of #GOVirtual! Between 10th and 12th June, we will host a booth in the #HKCEC Hall 5G introducing our latest projects, #CerTraze, #Fi2Pay, #BitBro, and #CryptoGo! Our CEO, Jase will also give a speech on the first day! You can now register via scanning the QR code below and come visit our booth!
#虛擬經濟展覽及會議 將會於明天正式開始!由明天起一連三日,我們將於 #香港會展 Hall 5G展出我們的最新項目:CerTraze,Fi2Pay,BitBro與CryptoGo!除此之外,在展覽首日我們的CEO Jase將會有一場有關「#區塊鏈 在香港的應用狀況」的演講。您現在可透過下方的QR Code註冊入場,屆時務必要來參觀我們的攤位!
