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HKBIA - Think Tank Workshop

Last Saturday was a blast! Thank you HK Blockchain Industry Association - HKBIA for inviting us as one of the guest speakers at the Think Tank Workshop. In this Webinar, we share the latest #blockchain applications and development in Hong Kong among the representatives in the space in #GreaterBayArea.

Blockchain Industry Association's major objective is to promote Blockchain and related technologies to the general public as well as to encourage the innovations and applications of Blockchain technologies.

上星期六的活動終於完滿結束!感謝香港區塊鏈產業協會邀請我們參加他們舉辦的網上智庫工作坊與 #大灣區 各地的業界代表交流 #區塊鏈 相關的發展及應用方案。



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