HKMA’s sharing session 香港金融管理局舉辦的分享會
【HKMA’s sharing session 香港金融管理局舉辦的分享會 14 June 2018】
Blockchain Solutions 區塊鏈科研 行政總裁及代表 梁永熹博士 分享了他旗下區塊鏈科研公司在銀行開戶事宜方面的經驗和觀點。
感謝立法會資訊科技界議員 莫乃光 JP的邀請。香港金融管理局舉辦分享會,提供空間給科研機構,銀行業界及商界分享他們對銀行開戶事宜看法及解決方法。
Blockchain Solutions CEO and representative, Dr. Jase Leung shared his experience and views on blockchain technology company bank account opening matters.
Thanks the invitation from Charles Mok 莫乃光, JP, Legislative Councillor (Information Technology).
The Hong Kong Monetary Authority has a sharing session which will be organised for the technology, banking and business sectors to share their views on bank account opening matters and ways that can help solve the problems.