GOVirtual Free Pass Registration!
We are joining the #GoVirtual Business Expo & Conference on 10th June! It will be held at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre (#HKCEC) Hall 5G, on 10th – 12th June. Our CEO, Jase, will have a speech on “#Blockchain application in HK”. You do not want to miss out!
Register for a free pass below!
我們將會參加於 香港會議展覽中心 舉辦 #虛擬經濟博覽及會議!由六月十日至十二日,我們將會在 #香港會展 Hall 5G 展出我們的作品。同時,我們的CEO Jase,將會有一場以「香港的 #區塊鏈 應用」為題的演講,切勿錯過!